Do not forget to
the videos that you watch
Support your favorite channels liking their videos on Youtube automatically
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Automatic likes on Youtube

Extension icon used to configure likes on Youtube videos

On a video or channel, click on the icon on your browser toolbar


Manage when and to which channels we like or dislike automatically

Configurations page used to manage the channels that the extension will react

You decide which channels do you want to like or dislike and when: we do it for you automatically

The main goal of the extension is to make the life of users easier and help content creators, by helping the viewers to not forget a 'like' that matters a lot for the Youtuber.

The idea is to automate a reaction that you could forget, not a forgery. We only act on videos that you selected and really watch.

For this reason, on our configurations page, you can review and change when and for which channels you want the extension to react. This way every automatic like is genuine and real! We just do it for you :)

See how the extension works

Support the extension
Help to maintain the extension: donate or share can help!
